"Well look there", Tom said.....I looked out the window to see four partridges strutting around in the yard. Tom got one and three flew. I said that's okay. Have to leave something for seed. : ) Maggie was happy to see he got at least one. She darted out and proudly brought it back. Lilly sat in the window and watched with excitement as she wanted to join in the fun even if she was clueless as to what was going on.
It's been at least two months since Tom's been out of the woods. So we took a stroll over to Littlefork where Kel and Jason live. Jason and Tom went for a drive to see if they could stir up some birds. They came home empty handed but seemed to have had a good time anyway. Jason looks out for Ol' Gramps so I don't worry to much when Toms with him.
Tom just doesn't like to leave the security of our woods any more. This is normal for some one with Alz. Many ( not all ) withdraw because in the outside world they become confused easily. Sends them into a tail spin. Something like traffic or flashing lights or anything out of the blue when driving can set them off. If I happen to hit a pot hole on the county road, it will set him off and he wants to go back home.
But yesterday turned out to be a good day. The girls used there company manners, the day was uneventful, we all enjoyed our outing. Jason sent a big package of fish home with us so we didn't come home empty handed. That made Tom one HAPPY boy!
We are so GRATEFUL to our whole family, who understand and accommodate us. It's your support that makes it possible for us to LIVE with this disease. Tom is very much aware of the support and acceptance we receive from all of you. Your understanding and acceptance makes it possible for him to accept what is happening to him and encourages him to do his best and be his best. Some days that takes a lot of effort on his part And you all keep me a float also. It's no easy job but God helps me through it. And I thank him for giving me all of you, I call all of you "MY ANGELS"
Thank You all from the bottom of our hearts : )
1 comment:
Yeah Maggie!! We love you guys so much!!!
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