Tom and I had cut and burned a few dead trees around here and we were suppose to leave some of it for him.... At least that is what Tom had planed. Well Tom does things as he feels like it and it was all done before the day he was to come.
So Tom had him pulling dead fall out of the woods and burning it... It was funny as the pieces got bigger and bigger.....I think he liked the challenge. He was a lot of fun for us.... And Tom handled it well......
Our girls have been so good. They lay with us all day asking for nothing.....The good thing is... Tom is easy to care for when he's sick..... And as I came down with it first... He tried so hard to take care of me. His gestures were priceless.
Here is the ice pack he proudly brought me for my head as I was running a fever..... Like I said... "Priceless"
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