As I mention often, Tom doesn't like to leave the woods much.... and when he does he is VERY irritable till he is safe back home again. But he's been mellowing so why not.
Sandy was taking a little trip out of town and invited us with. She is so good with Tom and a sense of humor to keep him laughing.....
Kelly and Brit came out to our place to take care of the girls. This was hard for Tom to leave them as they are all so emotionally attached. But the girls (dogs) love Kel and Brit and Kel knows how they are spoiled so we left them in great hands and Tom felt fine about that.
We had a fun, uneventful day.... Tom was great and really seemed to enjoy himself and the girls seemed to have a wonderful, fun day too.
Here is where it went bad. We went to bed early as we are not use to being up at 5:00 am........Lilly was sleeping between us even though this is odd for her. She loves the bed by the window yet next to me. We let her be as she is the most emotional of the three.
BAD, Bad idea......I woke up SOAKING WET! Yup...... She peeeeeeed. FULL bladder..... Never, never, never does she have accidents in the house.......SO that means it was not an accident?
We changed the top bedding and put layers on the bottom and put Lilly on her side of the bed....... of coarse we weren't mad at her, we talked for a bit trying to figure out what happened as she didn't get up and squat.....
I woke later again to find her bed and part of my blanket wet as she was snuggled in close to me.......
The rest of the night was uneventful and Lilly has been fine since. BUT Tom vowed to Lilly........." NEVER EVER will I leave you again." ARG!!!!!!
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