As the disease progresses and we go where we have never been before....... those who are oblivious to the disease question .... what I am doing to him.
I have gone through the pain of losing my soul mate, best friend, partner in all things.... yet caring for the person who resides in his body only to get a glimpse now and then of who he once was but never to feel the connection we had when we were one.
To be called MOM by the man who took care of me and to be treated as such with the expectations a child has of a parent. To deal with the rage that was, and the words that spewed from his mouth reach deep into my soul... ripping my heart to pieces.
Now finally we have found a peaceful place to dwell with the help of meds that are being monitored closely by his doctors.....
Is it the meds I am asked that make him the way he is now?
My body has taken it's toll this past winter... I guess there comes a time in your life when you just have to give up some of the things your younger body could do....
My Mom always said... "the mind is willing but the flesh becomes weak"...... Myself I say... "the old gray mare she ain't what she use to be.......
No matter the saying I am realizing I need help...... I am seeking the medical attention I need to get myself put back the best it can be but my days of super women are over....
Watching my Mom choke on that pill years ago I prepared myself for the inevitable and am taking it like a champ....... But it isn't stopping me from finding other avenues to still do all I can and enjoy life to the fullest....... when one door closes another one opens for those who seek.......
With Tom in his "own" world and sometimes on his "own" planet... I am trying to move on... move forward. I'm not sure how.... but I do keep an open eye for opportunities to venture out beyond the gate of "Tom's World" as long as he is happy, content and safe.......
I find it hard to take joy in the things we shared...... especially with him right here and him being oblivious to what is ......... He took a big downward spiral in January and I am still trying to adjust to where that left him....... and trying to get those close to Tom to accept where he is........
Most caregivers would take offense to the questions I am asked but I don't feel any anger.... only compassion as I know they are not accusing me but just trying to grasp their minds around something as bazaar as this disease..... I struggle with it and I am living with it.
The hardest thing to see and accept is how this disease took Tom's "ambition.... get up & go.... his drive.... his want to." He even asked the Dr. if he could give him a pill to give him his ambition back..... That was heart breaking......
Now he doesn't carry a conversation.... people say they run out of things to talk about because he just sits there....... if the phone rings at 2:00 in the afternoon and he is still in bed he will say "I just got in from a ride in the woods." or if someone asks him what he did today... he will mention everything he can remember that I did or someone said they did...... hence "He sounds okay to me"
Tom sleeps till noon or later..... he hallucinates... talks to people that aren't there...... does things (motions) with his hands like he is doing something.... stares out the window for hours...
He is a shell of who he use to be....... Last night the neighbors dropped by for a few minutes...... She asked "don't you ever get bored or lonely out here?" I told her "bored????? NO.... lonely???? Yes......
I seen Tom hear and react to that...... guess he was listening..... later he asked me who I get lonely for. I smiled softly and looked him in the eyes.... "you" I said. He turned his head and went back to his blank stare.
Oh, mom...I sometimes forget for a minute that you have been grieving very slowly for a very long time....I sometimes forget for a minute that you are hurting and in pain as Tom continues to fade....I forget a lot to ask how YOU are REALLY doing....I'm sorry for that! I love you!!!!!! Lisa
Thank You Lisa for the acknowledgment. It means a lot to me.....I Love You ♥
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