Not a whole lot going on in Tom's world these days.... I hear he is bored........ during his awake hours. Wishes he had something to do...... I asked him the other day what he would like to do. He said.. "I don't know" I suggested he give me a hand with some of my chores.... He wasn't wanting to do that so once we had that clarified I just tune him out like you do your children that are diving you crazy because they are bored.
I on the other hand am not bored. I have too much to do on a daily bases to take care of the five of them.... None are much help and they all feel free to make as big of a mess that they want....... and demanding!
That doesn't mean I don't have any fun or enjoyment in my life. Just the other day, to Tom's annoyance, I had a couple of my "granddaughters" (cousins.... both 10 years old) out for a visit. Those two never run out of anything to say. OH MY.....So to give Ol' Gramps a break I sent them out to pick some wild raspberries.
I on the other hand am not bored. I have too much to do on a daily bases to take care of the five of them.... None are much help and they all feel free to make as big of a mess that they want....... and demanding!
That doesn't mean I don't have any fun or enjoyment in my life. Just the other day, to Tom's annoyance, I had a couple of my "granddaughters" (cousins.... both 10 years old) out for a visit. Those two never run out of anything to say. OH MY.....So to give Ol' Gramps a break I sent them out to pick some wild raspberries.
They played with the girls "dogs" ....... did cartwheels in the grass ........ well one of them did cart wheels and flips.... the other did "egg rolls".... that's what she called what she was They drew on my white board.....
and giggled & chattered some more......
I seen Ol' Gramps crack a smile or two when he thought no one was looking. I don't care what is ailing you... the sound of children bring warmth, joy and laughter to your heart.
July has been pretty warm so we haven't done any more on the Garage for now..... cooler days ahead....... Everyday Tom tells someone on the phone he is going out to do the wiring in the garage today...... reminds me of the movie "Ground Hogs Day". One day we will do it for real.... I wonder what he will tell folks than?
Tom has this obsession about mowing our 1/4 mile driveway ditch on both sides and across the county road.... he likes to mow from our place to the next....... I think I have mentioned this before in other blogs.......
Well the ditches finally dried up enough to mow them..... problem was the ditch growth was 6 feet high...... Tom whacked at it a few times with the rider but the frustration was too much for him...... SOOOOO I took my handy - dandy push mower and challenged the ditch growth.... I am not one to give up easily.
The tall growth..... the steep ditch sides..... biting deer flies, the unrelenting heat..... and even getting to close to a wasp nest....
and giggled & chattered some more......
I seen Ol' Gramps crack a smile or two when he thought no one was looking. I don't care what is ailing you... the sound of children bring warmth, joy and laughter to your heart.
July has been pretty warm so we haven't done any more on the Garage for now..... cooler days ahead....... Everyday Tom tells someone on the phone he is going out to do the wiring in the garage today...... reminds me of the movie "Ground Hogs Day". One day we will do it for real.... I wonder what he will tell folks than?
Tom has this obsession about mowing our 1/4 mile driveway ditch on both sides and across the county road.... he likes to mow from our place to the next....... I think I have mentioned this before in other blogs.......
Well the ditches finally dried up enough to mow them..... problem was the ditch growth was 6 feet high...... Tom whacked at it a few times with the rider but the frustration was too much for him...... SOOOOO I took my handy - dandy push mower and challenged the ditch growth.... I am not one to give up easily.
The tall growth..... the steep ditch sides..... biting deer flies, the unrelenting heat..... and even getting to close to a wasp nest....
AND getting stung didn't stop me. IT IS DONE.... AND LOOKS DARN GOOD!
Tom who has not once attempted to mow our big lawn that he created and insists on keeping mowed........ managed to mow the ditch that is NOT ours across the county road from us.........CAN YOU BELIEVE IT! I just shake my head and chuckle...... Those who know this disease personally do! Get it that is.
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