I wasn't MOM the caregiver but the vibrant fun loving silly girl he met so many years ago........ Gosh... we went for miles on these trails.... this is the first year in a while that it has been dry enough to travel this far.....
We came upon some unknown trails.... when we seen "private property signs" we would turn around.... well as we were exploring new trails there suddenly appeared a "ghost" like figure of a woman on the trail.... Scared the begeezes out of both of us....
She was dressed all in black silk like clothing.... slipper like shoes...snow white hair pulled back.... very white skin and red lipstick........ she was just standing there.
We stopped and were relieved to see it was a real person.... we apparently wandered onto private property..... she said she was out walking her trails but the woman was out of breath..... ? We apologized and moved on......
Took us a while to recover from that... Oh what an eerie feeling.......!!!
Tom has been losing some much needed weight. His method is madness..... He barely eats.... He put it on by over - eating and now losing it by not - eating. NOT HEALTHY I know but there is no reasoning with him.
Yesterday we finally cut up and removed the trees that fell in the yard a long while ago....... Everyday was the day..... so I wasn't sure if it was going to happen that day or if TOMORROW would be a better day.
Tom got up around 9 AM as he has been doing for a month now..... He sat at his spot at the table ... drinking coffee, smoking cigarettes, takes his pills..... makes phone calls to see what everybody is doing.......stares out the window..... nodding off ......TODAY IS THE DAY!!! he says.
I'm ready... dressed, cleaned up the house, picked up sticks in the yard... kept coming in to see if Tom would soon be out.... NOPE!!! still sitting there........
I went out and started working on the insulation in the garage.... soon he calls me in for a cup of coffee....... he is slowly putting on cloths... he has a tee shirt on now and socks.
It's around noon now.... I'm trying not to get pissy but I can't stand wasting all this time..... Tom is still declaring he is going to cut up those trees.
"I don't know how I should do it" he says. "Chunk them up and I'll stack it for outside fires or cut longer lengths and I'll pull then into the woods with the 4-wheeler" is what I suggested.
It was just days before he was telling me he was going to have a big old fire and burn them all up.....For #1... there are burning restrictions on..... and #2... he has told me over and over since we have lived here and even recently.... "they won't burn"
For heavens sake...HE IS A LOGGER... CUT THE DAMM TREES UP AND I WILL DEAL WITH THE REST!!!!! Ummmmm I said that under my breath.
OH MY... it was after 12 noon and he finally put his jeans on and I helped him with his boots. We were going to do it!!!!! My heart is pounding.. it's going to happen....
I go outside and wait for him... and wait.. and wait....
FINALLY he came out..... we headed over to the trees... he is just kinda looking the situation over? "Tom... cut off a chunk and I'll drag it in the woods." He did and I did..... It wasn't long and we had all the trees gone from the yard.....
We went in and "had coffee" ...... I convinced him to cut up a cedar that had fallen over one of my trails in the woods....... I could see he about had it with the activity all in one day BUT I PUSHED IT...... "ahhh one more little tree honey?" Well that was way over the top ..... as he cut this little poplar for me he started sucking all the fun out of our day. "Now my new chain is dull..... blah blah blah blah..... He went to the house and I went to the garage......
Soon I hear... I made fresh coffee..... I went in just to make sure he had survived all that activity.... He was back in his chair at the kitchen table and that is where he stayed planted for the remainder of the day...... smoking cigarettes, drinking coffee and calling people to see what they are doing.......
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