Welcome December......
There is an almost normal feeling around here lately..... Things are calm, Tom is inter acting..... with people, the dogs and me.
It's been nice. Sandy & I baked Christmas cookies together as Tom sat and watched us all day... actually enjoying it. I can't remember back when our world was always like that.
I pray we stay in this place for awhile.... I was getting a little burned out emotionally.
God knows!
So I am praying for an "old fashion family Christmas" this year.... I miss that......
Singing, giving, helping, sharing....... and FAMILY!
I found my JOY which had been misplaced and am hoping to share it with those that I love.
MERRY CHRISTMAS.......God's Blessings
The 17th of November I communicated with Tom's Doctors that Tom wanted and NEEDED something but he did not want to take anything he has taken before.
He had become someone I did not want to care for any more... someone I didn't know... mean and belligerent.
After going over what meds Tom had been on an the result of each and what he was like now.... We all came to an agreement to try "celexa"
After a month Tom has transformed back into someone I knew once..... He is once again engaging in life and his disposition is what it once was so long ago.
He still has the deficits that dementia has taken but just to have my "sunshine
" back is the Greatest Christmas present the girls and I could ever hope for.
We call it Our Christmas Miracle.....
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