I was right. All day Maggie glared at me. If looks could kill.......And if I went near her she would show me her teeth.........And no....she wasn't smiling. She stuck close to Tom but not at all her happy self.
Tom wasn't a whole lot better. He was mope-y all day but at least he didn't bare his teeth at me. : ) Yeah we all missed Lilly. Tom called two - three times to see how she was doing.
8 AM sharp this morning, Tom wakes me up and said..... "it's time to get up" I said "WHAT, I can't get her till 10:00." ........I didn't argue or try to reason. I drug myself out of bed. Made coffee and brought Tom his in bed. Than I seen his ashtray by the bed. Okay, so he was awake all night stewing over Lilly. GEEZE.......
I went a little early and ran some errands before I picked up Lilly. She was happy to see me. They said she was a sweetheart......and all went well. And home we went.
Maggie was so happy to see Lilly and Lilly was all happy to be home and I walked into the kitchen and there on the counter, in amongst a big MESS, was two plates. On the plates were scrambled eggs, canned deer meat and cheese melted on top.
Mmmmm Looked pretty good!
THAN Tom picks up the two plates and says " look here my girls what Dad made for you!".......... Lilly and Maggie enjoyed their breakfast ....... of coarse. I'm thinking, where's mine?
I seen he made fresh coffee so I dug my way through the mess on the counter and found me a cup of coffee. Than I sat back and watch Tom spoil and baby the girls. He loves them so much! Than he admitted he called the vet to see if I had been there yet and they said we had just left so he whipped up the breakfast for the girls.
LATER.......Tom was talking to his sister...telling her how he made the girls breakfast..... I piped in and said "yah but NOT anything for me".... Toms face turned red and said "I didn't make anything for myself either" ha ha ha.... The look on his face when I said that was "PRICELESS"
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