❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥Someone Asked Why?❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥
Super women took a nose dive into the ground. She hit with such force she was buried for weeks. A heavy equipment operator was called in by God. He dug till he found her. She was still breathing but emotionally frail.
He took one look at her and he felt something he has never felt before. So when God said take care of her and love her......he did. He tried to walk away but couldn't....God filled him with an abundance of all the qualities he already possessed and said use these now to help her grow to her full potential as one day you will need what she has to give......
So he put her on a pedestal and kept her dusted and polished for years. Everyday he would polish and shine her and gave her everything he had inside as God instructed.
As the years slowly passed........and she shined like the brightest star in the sky......(He did an awesome job).....but now he was slowly losing himself.
She asked God with tears in her eyes " where is he going?" God said "he is going back to where he first came. It's a long hard journey and he needs you to help him get there safely."
I will give you an abundance of all you need to help him on his journey back to me, for that is where he came from.
So to those who ask why? Because I believe in fairy tales...He is my knight in shining armor...... He literally guarded me with his life.....
A Ride In The Woods
Okay this is just too weird...All this rain in February! It's not making the occupants of this house particularly happy. Especially ME........ :-(
Before the weather turned to crap, we had one really beautiful day....Tom and I took the girls for a long ride (on the 4-wheeler) in the woods, down a new logging trail.....The girls had so much fun smelling, running, being silly.....I'd get down and walk, run and play with them. I wished we could do that more often......
My laugh of the day was a "go figure" moment. Tom can't find anything that is right under his nose or he's looking straight at.... Part of it is a guy thing. Sorry, but ALL women would agree with this statement..... But also Alz. messes with what he's looking at and identifying what it is....thus can be looking at what he's looking for but appears he doesn't see it........
So this being said....We are driving down the trail heading home and the girls are skipping along and all of a sudden with no warning...Tom Stops..........He quickly puts the 4-wheeler in reverse and backs up.....Okay...I'm a little confused here. Before I could say...."what are you doing?"..... He say's "want to see something cool? Grab your camera and get it ready." Okay....... We walked over to the snow bank and he points in the snow and says.. "see the partridge?" I says..."NO!"
"Geezes Cindy"!!!! (that's what he called me before he started calling me MOM ) "it's right there"..... he points almost straight down in front of us....... finally, what I thought was a stick, half way out of the snow, was a partridge coming out of his hole...... I got a great picture before it flew off.... and I said to myself " GO FIGURE!"
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