Pretty much right here. Tom is more challenging these days... He has become "OPPOSITIONAL" so I have to watch my reactions to things...... even closer... It's a guarantee he will do the OPPOSITE of anything I say. : (
One morning he woke to telling me he was going to cut a vent whole in the wall in the living room. I asked why and he said for air.. ... I said why can't we just open the windows for air? The good news is ........." he hasn't brought it up again." : D
Nobody said this was going to be easy.... He told me the other day that the thing that makes him the maddest about me is that I don't never "remember" anything. I did turn my back to him before I chuckled to my self.
Tom got to go fishing for a few days with someone I trust. I think he needs to get away now and than as I'm sure after awhile I seem more like a smothering mother hen and he feels as he is losing himself, his memory and independence, it's his way of fighting back?
We stay busy... we are always working on our yard... cleaning, brushing, digging, and expanding, mowing or fixing something.
He says... "I need to just listen to you as you are always right.... " BUT than there goes that oppositional attitude when we are in the middle of something....
Like putting the deck back on the lawn mower after he beefed it up and changed the blades...... It didn't go on till he did it the way I told him it went. Convincing him is the hard part. The sad part is...he has done it dozens of times before.....
OR taking the tire off the lawn mower when he blew the tire out...... He told me he took off the other tire when it needed fixing so don't tell me how to do it..... I just couldn't see how pounding the tire "on" with a sledge hammer was going to get the tire "off".....
So yesterday "HE" decides to make the trench that drains our yard of pond water needed to be dug out more..... He is not use to doing the actual manual labor like digging so he got crabby fast. He stopped a few times and said he needed a back hoe, but he must have been able to "reason out" that, that was not going to happen, so would start digging again.....
Well this is what his attitude got him today...... he did it to himself.... I just stood there and watched and than burst out laughing..... After he got over the shock he started laughing too..... Nothing like an old mud bath to chill a guy out....
Gotta Love That Face!
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