The Robins hatched out... They have a nest on Tom's shack..... He watches them every year.... as they hatch and grow and fly away.
As we were having a cup of coffee yesterday Mr and Mrs Goose came out of the woods with their new brood. They were heading for the river but stopped by so I could take a few pics of their family...... Than after their photo shoot, they went on their way.......
As all good mothers are sitting on their eggs, Mrs Mallard and Donald, are here running around our yard all day and night. This is the fourth year of this behavior. I don't think she is fertile, but every year she keeps Tom running around and watching her like a hawk.... trying to find her nest..... ; )
ALL the other female ducks have quit coming in for quite awhile as the Mallards and Wood Duck drakes, are in every night for their corn feed.....
A doe and her last year fawn joins the ducks every evening. Mag and Lilly lay in the window and watch as there outside friends come and go..... As the sun sets all is quiet except for the sound of the frogs singing under the star-lit skies.
When morning comes, the birds all sing "get up, get up you sleepy head" as the sun comes up over the tree tops. Than I get a big lick in the face which's time for Mom to get up.
Tom wants his coffee as he doses in and out of consciousness. Maggie wants Lilly to go out outside and back in so she can have some dog treats....
Soon everyone in the house is back to sleep.......and I get to enjoy the tranquillity of the morn.......
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