Now I have to tell you that I fought tooth and nail to keep this poor little bent over Ash.
From the day they hauled in the gravel for the foundation of the house.......And every year after, Tom declares it has to go because it leans.......
Well this spring I've been looking at these two hanging, dead branches trying to figure what happened???? I figured with the terrible winter storms we had, "Yeah that's it, the heavy snow made them break!"
Sooo yesterday Tom and I were having our afternoon coffee and snack break and I slowly bring up the subject of the broken limbs..... Toms processor is slow, so I had to make sure he was following me and knew what I was talking about. ( I noticed if I just jump in and blurt something out I get my head bit off..... "ouch!" )
OKAY... I have his attention and he knows what tree I am talking about... He says.."Yeah I noticed that"
After he was done with his break, he left to go cut some more wood for our 80 year old neighbor, but than after a few minutes came back in... LAUGHING!
I says "Whaat??" He says "The snow didn't break those branches. YOU shot them off when you were shooting at those squirrels!" : 0
Tom"s been cutting and splitting wood for our neighbor. Tom loves that sort of thing... I've been working everyday in the yard. Tom hates details and though it's time consuming..... I love it.
It's been a cold wet spring.... but I have to admit that we have enjoyed the cooler temps but the rain got old fast.... Today we start some warmer summer temps so we'll see how we deal with that.
I'm thinking "bugs" ...... Tom "obsessively" hates bugs. There was a mosquito buzzing his head... He slapped himself so hard, he almost fell of the chair. He looked at me with the "deer in the head lights" look and said... "I nearly knocked myself out" ha ha ha ha......... Oh yes, we laughed!
The girls are so good... they follow me around the yard as I work..... I stop and throw a ball now and than. About 3:00 they start bugging me... They want to go swimming down at the river. It's just a quarter mile down the road.
So I throw them in the car. Unfortunately I never know how much if any traffic on the county road so it's safest to drive them there. They howl all the way there.... I sing with them ; ) What a racket we do make. They both LOVE to swim.
1 comment:
That's so funny...go figure, you'd attract a squirrel!! :) The dogs are so cute...looks like fun!
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