This spring Tom wanted to get a baby deer. He managed to make all the right contacts and could have got one, except that he needed to build an 10 foot fence around a 1 acre area and build a proper shelter for it. It all had to be inspected and approved to get a license to have the deer. All that's good and fine except, that all costs money : )
As Tom reminisced about Spike a deer they raise when he was a boy and all the trouble him and Spike would get into, I realized he was just looking for that feeling the memories brought to him. Hence we got Silly Lilly bringing the same joy and feelings as Spike brought when he was a boy. And I might add I was feeling a little panic-y when he was making all the right contacts and talking about the deer being in the house and sleeping in our bed. : ) I have learned NOT to react and some how things usually work themselves out. Thank you Lord for intervening in that one. "Whew!"
So than Tom wa

nted ducks too. "Mallards" We have timber wolves out here so you don't want any penned up animals. I keep telling Tom that the Good Lord will bless us with the animals from the wild and we don't need to pen them up. Wouldn't you know, we were blessed not only with a pair of Mallards but also two pairs of Wood Ducks and kept our little pond full of water for them all summer. Usually that pond dries up first thing in the spring after run off. They all stayed till late summer and than the pond dried up .
Tom watches the animal rescues on "animal planet". Now he wants to be a foster home for animals. OH BOY! I tell him Lilly and Maggie would object and I'm thinking, I have my hands full with those "Three Clowns" already. : )
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