Aw heck, guess it's time to get up and act awake and alert. : ) least awake after a cup of coffee. Sorry, that's all I have to offer. Alert comes later. 6:10 A.M. Tom headed for the stand. Slight dusting of snow on the ground. The north wind is howling through the woods, through the yard, through the house.......My windows are slightly ajar.
The girls each climbed on a couch and went back to sleep. Guess they aren't into early mornings either.
A few does strolled through the yard. "hummmm......he must be leaving them for seed." Around 8:00 A.M. a fork buck came out. I watched the buck......I watched Tom......I watched the buck......I see gun barrel come out stand window......Oh good, he sees it......Gun goes back in......Now what's he doing??? Don't make me shoot the dam deer!......Gun comes back out.....I'm thinking shoot.....shoot........ shoot......
He finally came in and were discussing how to bring the deer in.......4-wheeler or drag it.....? Than a BIG buck stepped out, crossed the drive way and went into the woods before either of us could react. ha ha ha...Go figure!
This afternoon Tom returned to the stand. Fresh thermos of coffee in hand and full belly. It must have been around three. All of a sudden deer were coming in from everywhere. They were even behind him where he couldn't see.
So I started holding up signs in the window. Arrows➔ pointing behind him with words like....Deer ➔.........SHOOT........BUCK? ➔ I didn't know it but I had him so confused as to what to do and what to shoot, he said his head was spinning. " OOPS!" I forgot myself. It's just there were so many deer it just didn't matter. It was just plain FUNNY.
He ended up shooting two does with NO fawns.......I was aiming my gun at one through an open window and I guess the girls thought we were squirrel hunting. They climbed over the top of me, knocking me over and both had there noses out the window. I was still on the floor laughing as the girls were still attacking me with kisses, when Tom came in.
He was a LITTLE crabby till I pointed out all the humor in what transpired. He ended up laughing with me. Needless to say...he's is bed and it's 7:00 P. M. All he said was, " What a day!" : )
1 comment:
how big were the does i want pics ok love y'all margaret
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