Oh Boy..... He's making jerky!!!! That's all well and good. Good pass time, something rewarding to do. We've had a dehydrator in storage. Dug it out, cleaned it up, meat marinated over night in brine.....This is something he wanted to get back into doing for the past five years. Finally the moment has come..........
"Cindy where can I set this up.....How about your shack...... Can't I do it in the house? I'd rather you didn't........Why not? Because it will make the house and everything in it smell like jerky............"
This conversation went no where as it usually does. The dehydrator was set up in the house and life went on...........I've learned from all this that you have to look deep inside your self sometimes and decide...What is really important and what is not.
I said "Okay, but if I go for a walk and get attacked and eaten by a wild animal who thought I was a piece of jerky........your going to wish you did it in the shack " He laughed......Tom's reasoner is broke and mine still works. He gets stuck in his reality and I've learned to join him there. WHY? Because "I" can.
We have had a boat in the middle of the house to work on "because it was too cold outside " His plow for the 4-wheeler, boat motor, chain saw..........the 4-wheeler wouldn't fit through the door nor will the car and I don't remember how I talked him out of working on the lawn mowers in the house. : )
So the jerky turned out great. I suppose there will be more made. One never knows.....We do have two more deer to cut up first. Tom has only to skin them. Just because he did one yesterday does not mean he will or can do the other two. That's this stinking disease.........Good thing there isn't much I can't do with the Lords help! And what I can't do...God has given me a band of angels : )
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