Tom was off in the woods and I was picking up the house thinking about what to make for lunch as Tom would be home soon. I looked out the window to see what the girls were doing and I seen Lilly had a squirrel in the wood pile.
I could see the darn thing teasing Lilly so I opened the door and told Mag, who was lazing in front of the door, to help her sister get that squirrel. Mag took off lick-i-ty shit to help her sister.
I got back with the gun and the squirrel took one look at Granny with the gun and made a bee line down the back side of the tree and headed into t
I hollered to the girls......"He's in the grass"......they scurried around with there nose to the ground. I was right behind them, yelling......"get 'em girls...get him in a tree".....I stumbled, tripped and fell a few times in the holes in the ground. But I'd yell "get him......I'm coming"!!!!!! Finally, they got it in a tree as I was getting back to my feet from falling in another hole
Mag was on it like bees on honey and Lilly with no experience said "no fare"....... So all the way to the house Mag held the squirrel with a firm grip and Lilly walked beside her holding the tail hanging out of Maggie's mouth.
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