AND every Monday in March has been a nice sun shinny day... so every Monday we have taken the girls to the woods to run...... yesterday was Monday and Tom took the girls...... I "CLEANED" house.
That turned out to be a waste of time..... Tom came through the door with two muddy mutts.... " They are a mess and I don't care...I'm so proud of them I'm giving them a whole stick of summer sausage.... MOM, you wouldn't believe these dogs... especially Maggie...wait till I tell you what happened... Ohhh my girls... I love you so much........"
"Oh I'm sorry... girls.. you have mud all over Moms nice clean floors.. MOM look what they did to your floors....." I was silent...just watching and listening and not quite sure how to react..... So I stayed silent.... dis-belief.... Not a happy smile...more like I'm in shock sm
So I decided damage is done... go with the flow...sat down and listened to Toms amazing story...... but before he could tell it he had to give them each a dish of "milk" Yup... I said dish of milk..... By now I'm thinking he not only has Alzheimer's but he went and got stupid on me too.....
At this point I'm
"I was driving along" he said, " with Maggie in the basket and Lilly was running ahead... I spotted a partridge sitting on a log, just inside the woods.... Oh like from here to the flower bed... so I went about a quarter of a mile further down the road and turned around.... I wanted to see what Maggie would do.... After I got turned around I let her off the 4-wheeler.....
I kept whistling to both of them as I didn't want them to get too far ahead of me...... when Maggie got to the spot she got wind of it... got up on the snow bank and seen it and FROZE.... She was like a statue standing there.... She glanced at me as if to ask...what you want me to do DAD... So he told her to get it before Lilly got there and stole her glory... She charged and it flew...... Than Lilly.. after she realized what Maggie did she would run to me and than to Mag, making these funny noises she makes as if to tell me DAD did you see what Maggie did? THE END
ummm yup... that's the amazing story......He told it over and over till he finally could calm down....He was cute because he was so passionate about it with real tears of love for his girls...
LATER he told me I spoil the girls worse than he does.. I asked how he figured that...He said most women would have been screaming and hollering about the muddy dogs and he said you just gave them a blanket to lay on. I said, "you mean if I got mad and screamed and hollered you wouldn't have let them in dirty? He said NO... If you did that I'd get rid of you.......HA HA HA HA ROFL.........He was dead serious..... Ha ha ha ha.........Nope he didn't get stupid... It's just the Alzheimer's....
PS.... He didn't give them a stick of summer sausage... I put doggie treats in a fancy bowl and he gave them those treats........
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