Yuppers...we made the trip to Granny's.... I'm thinking it's probably been a year as we usually will take at least a spring ride to see if the river is out and how high it is and how many idiots are out there fishing and freezing their hind ends off.....(There were quite a few : ( And they looked cold brrrr......
OH MY....Granny was surprised!!!!! Romeo took one look at Lilly and dove into his box in his cage and we never heard a peep out of him the whole time we were there......
The girls were on there best behavior......Lilly and Scooter played....Maggie kept Granny's feet warm...( Mag loves Granny)...... and after a bit the cards came out...
Tom said to Granny... "Bring it on.... heh heh.".... Now Tom's words, before we got there was.... "I'm going to kick Granny's butt in a game and than leave..... ha ha."
It was fun.... Tom was being a stinker as usual trying to get Granny all riled up and it appeared he was able too from time to time but even Tom is no match for Granny when she has her mind set.... She doesn't go down with out a fight..... Come to think of it.. " NOBODY has YET got the best of Granny" Those two are just too funny..
Than we headed home...Tom was getting antsy....AND of coarse...Tom was glad to be back home.... He said he enjoyed the ride and the visit but he belongs at home with his three girls : )
I always agree with him as it makes him feel better (normal) if he thinks I'm like him... so I said "me too" and he said.. "yeah ..because your like me and don't like to go anywhere either and be around people... hah? I said.. Yes, I'm just like you!" He answered.. "that's a good story" I said......" yes that is a good story" and than he let out a sigh of contentment........
And I said a short prayer thanking God for the lovely day, Tom's pleasant mood and most of all, the time with my MOM. I Love You MOM!
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