So I jumped into some warm cloths and my rubber boots before he could change his mind.... He's been known to do that...... : )
Before you know it we were off..... The girls sadly stayed behind..... Maggie is great to take along but a little heavy for the 4-wheeler to ride that far and a little over weight to run that far....
Lilly can run and NEVER tire but doesn't pass the obedient test.... She'd be in a trap before you know it and than we would not only have a three legged beaver, four fingered Tom but also a three legged dog.....
I was prepared to do some "w a l k i n g" .......... because yesterday the girls and I "w a l k e d" 2 1/2 miles to where he was trapping and he said he had put on some miles too..... through the brush.....with a pack sack on his back..... and I thought "wow".... now that's a work out.
So we pull up to the first spot and take off our outer jacket and bomber hats.... Tom puts the pack sack on his back... tells me to carry the ax....I thought.. wow! here we go : )
I set off to follow the mighty trapper along the creek bed to check his miles of traps....we walked through a little brush and down a small embankment to the creek... there sat his first trap....out of the water... "darn water dropped" he said... we stared at it for awhile. Than he pointed out all the fresh poplar chewings and their caster mounds and than he decided to leave it... reset it tomorrow...
Okay let's load up our gear and head for the next.....OH!!!!!!.... that's all the traps on this
Back on the 4-wheeler to the next spot around the corner......we walked a little further this time........ I only had to get snapped ONCE in the face by a branch to know it's not a good idea to follow to close..... I'm a quick learner.... ;-)
The water had dropped a lot so his next two traps were out of the water... He reset one and pulled the other.... We walked along the creek on a deer run way for a total of about 1/4 of a mile both ways total........
I've figured out by now the trek along the creeks were not as far as I had imagined and you can't get lost as long as you follow the creek.....
He helped me across the open spot where the water was rushing...I walked ever so slowly... We got to his trap and it had been sprung... Darn it he said.... so he reset it and I handed him the poles to place it back in the water.....
I was extra careful on the way back after laughing at him knowing my turn was next...... BUT I did manage to stay up right and dry....... WHEW!
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