It's been a long cold winter... It defiantly took it's toll on us. It's great to be able to get out side and putz around... Tom's been working on his drive way... It's his pride and joy....
I've been picking up branches from fallen trees as they appear as the snow so slowly melts away... We still have a lot of snow left. It frustrates Tom but for me it's a blessing in disguise as He can't do all he has in his mind he wants to do and the snow and weather are keeping him at bay for now...... ; )
He was able to go fishing with some buddies a couple times last week...Caught some perch and crappy-s...... Tom was so hungry for fish he didn't
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Today is GOOD FRIDAY........
I get so rapped up in OUR WORLD with Alz. It wasn't registering in my mind... It's time to put all other things aside and reflect on what this season is all about.... What God did for us.... After all GOD is my means of survival not only to care for Tom but for me to survive it too....... I forget to stop and Praise God for all his blessings..... I thank him everyday but I forget to TAKE TIME FOR GOD.......To really reflect, praise and honor him........
Easter has always given me a special feeling of JOY deep down inside... It's like as the winter months drag on, toward the end it starts to suck the emotional life out of you. Spring brings you renewed feeling of NEW LIFE.
BUT it's not really "SPRING" but" EASTER".... The Resurrection of Jesus......
The Joy that filled my heart with new life...... "Easter Morning"......started not with the egg and easter basket hunt when we woke up....BUT ..... With the sound of my DAD's strong voice singing out at the top of his lungs....... "UP FROM THE GRAVE HE AROSE!!!!" The "feeling" he radiated (to me) was "electrifying"......I don't know how to describe it...... I know to this day when I awake Easter Morn...I feel like it's the FIRST DAY of the rest of my life... Energized with renewed HOPE, LIFE, JOY, STRENGTH.........GODS GRACE! and I blare out..."UP FROM THE GRAVE HE AROSE".............
I miss my Dad terribly...... But he lives in me and my wonderful memories of him...... Our Lord died on Good Friday,
But the cross did not destroy
His resurrection on Easter morn
That fills our hearts with joy.
Now we know our earthly death,
Like His, is just a rest.
We'll be forever with Him In heaven,
where life is best.
So we live our lives for Jesus,
Think of Him in all we do.
Thank you Savior;
Thank you Lord. Help us love like you! By Joanna Fuchs
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