❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥Someone Asked Why?❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥❥

Super women took a nose dive into the ground. She hit with such force she was buried for weeks. A heavy equipment operator was called in by God. He dug till he found her. She was still breathing but emotionally frail.

He took one look at her and he felt something he has never felt before. So when God said take care of her and love her......he did. He tried to walk away but couldn't....God filled him with an abundance of all the qualities he already possessed and said use these now to help her grow to her full potential as one day you will need what she has to give......

So he put her on a pedestal and kept her dusted and polished for years. Everyday he would polish and shine her and gave her everything he had inside as God instructed.

As the years slowly passed........and she shined like the brightest star in the sky......(He did an awesome job).....but now he was slowly losing himself.

She asked God with tears in her eyes " where is he going?" God said "he is going back to where he first came. It's a long hard journey and he needs you to help him get there safely."

I will give you an abundance of all you need to help him on his journey back to me, for that is where he came from.

So to those who ask why? Because I believe in fairy tales...He is my knight in shining armor...... He literally guarded me with his life.....


Monday, September 27, 2010

Fat Boy Dieting ?

I decided I needed to put my unmotivated "Fat Boy" on a diet..... All he talks about is how he needs to lose weight and I won't quit cooking food he can't resist.  I cook healthy and HE ADDS tons of butter & bread......?

And the guy won't go for a walk to save his soul????? He thinks starving is the only way to lose weight and I keep telling him he can starve all he wants BUT if he doesn't get his butt moving he won't lose anything.

SO I charged into the bed room yesterday morn after he woke from his morning nap (goes back to sleep till 10:00 A M after his morning coffee in bed) and told him ... "Okay big boy... enough is enough.... WE are on a diet (my way) as of right now....The bread &butter is gone..... you are limited to a SMALL amount of coffee creamer a day and you WILL go for a walk OR get your butt on the tread mill EVERYDAY!"

He burst out laughing..."Mom? what got into you?" ..... "I decided today was THE DAY!  It's suppose to be nice all week so it's a good time to get into a routine." I replied. "Mom... your funny" is what he had to say to that.

Yah... I know his brain is broken BUT sometimes if I make a game out of something he'll go along with it......

He struggled through yesterday..... he did the tread mill for 25 minutes....

 I raked leaves...... I came to the open window where he sat and watched me and said "Hey Tom... there's another rake." inviting him to join me like the old days before AD...... "OH YAH?" he replied like it was an exciting idea to him and than he got that silly look in his eyes and said "why don't you put one in each hand and than you can rake twice as much leaves." lol  "You big shit" I replied and laughed with him.

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