Tom is now on medication that erases the demons from his mind. He is now sleeping at night, no dreams or nightmares, and has found his "happy-ness" that he had lost.......
Tom emerged from the bedroom. He looked different. There was a huge smile on his face. He had a look in his eyes I haven't seen for quite some time..... His eyes said "I Love You" once again.......
I said, "Tom!... hi!... welcome back!.... I've missed you!..... give me a hug!"
He laughed, he smiled, he gave me a big bear hug...... and said "it feels good to be back"......
He got down on the floor and greeted the girls like he hasn't seen them in a while. They were all over him like bees on honey. lol
After he took his pills and drank his coffee he said.."Mom, lets all go for a ride in the woods." Now you want to see a shocked facial expression..... I had one going on. "For Real?" slipped out of my mouth as I was trying to process this. "Yeah and I'll grill something on the grill when we get home."
Now I know he means those words BUT good mood does not = cooking of any kind around here unless it's MOM at the other end of the spatula. : )
This ride was different than the last. He pointed out things to me including partridge tracks, a deer stand way in the tree tops, your chair" he says.
WHAT? ..... in the snow bank, on the edge of the trail, was an old rocking
We laughed, we played, we had fun....... Tom found his "Happy" again.
Tom had his first real bad episode of anger and rage that was "different" from when he just gets really mad....
This episode was slow simmering under the surface for at least week... Tom wasn't sleeping day or night.... he was having headaches ...... he was irritable... there was nothing right with the world.....he was confused..... and making impossible...unreasonable.... out to lunch.... crazy... demands......
I did all I could to redirect and finally just said no...can't....won't....and that's when all hell broke loose.......... I was face to face with the devil himself..... I didn't know if I should head for the hills........ stop, drop and roll......... call 911? I ended up calling "'my people" who came out and together we were able to get things under control.....
Next day with the help of "my people" I was able to get a prescription for "risperdal" an anti psychotic they use to calm the beast when that part of the brain is under attack. It also helps him to sleep.
Thanks to the amazing people on the Alzheimer's forums, I recognized what was going on and what I needed to do. Fast action by "my people" and the help of the wonderful people on the forums convincing Tom to take the medication we have "tamed the beast"...... for now.
In the beginning of the journey I learned "Acceptance" was the first hurdle to clear..... with time I am finding out education and preparation is #2 .......(a plan)
This episode could have turned out bad if I had not been aware of what was going on and how to react and the solution as this does not go away by itself.... It requires drug intervention.
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